Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Gathering (5/4)

Hey Newberg peeps, I know that the first week we are meeting would typically be a scatter week but I'm excited about starting this so let's meet anyways and get back on track in June.

For this first week, I'll plan on firing up the grill and cooking some burgers and brats. Leanna and I can supply the meat if everyone else wants to bring some sides (and buns). Just post below if you are coming and what you are bringing so we can make sure to have enough for everyone.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Vittoria Way Community Launching in May

Hey everyone!  Welcome to the Vittoria Way Community in Newberg, led by Andrew and Leanna Gracey.  Each week there will be a post about what we are doing for dinner, so feel free to sign up for what you are going to bring for the night you are coming!  Looking forward to having you there!