Monday, August 15, 2016

Wed 8/17

This week we (The Graceys) will be out of town. Johnny and Kelsey have offered to host but I don't have their number to get their address so hopefully they can post on here.

If someone else wants to host, feel free. If not, I guess it's a free week.

We will see you all next week.



  1. Hi Group-

    Jonny and I are happy to host for this week! Our address is:
    1094 S Pennington Dr. Unit B Newberg, OR
    *If you are headed south on Hoskins you continue straight past the cul-de-sac and down what appears to be an alleyway in front of a blue house- we are all the way in the back.

    Call us if you have any trouble (971)678-7179 (Kelsey) or (503)369-8889 (Jonny).

  2. With warm weather like we've been having, salad just sounds refreshing! So for Wednesday night please bring a salad (green, pasta, fruit or otherwise) to enjoy. Jonny and I will do up a avacado salmon salad.

  3. In the immortal words of the Jackson 5..."I'll be there!"

  4. I don't know if I will be able to come tonight :( My mom hurt her ankle (possibly torn ligaments), and she needs help getting around. I hope you all have fun though!

  5. I'm planning to be there. Sorry for the late notice!
