Sunday, September 25, 2016

Wed 9/28

Hey guys,

Since this week's community will have the kiddos, we thought it would be fun to do Make Your Own Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup night! I was thinking each person could bring something to share with the group (i.e: a loaf of bread, a variety of cheese, etc.).
We can provide tomato soup - it will most likely contain dairy.
If you have dietary restrictions, feel free to bring your own sandwich/soup stuff that works for you! There may be some overlap with food restrictions, so please comment with what you can bring so everyone can plan accordingly :)
Also, if anyone has a griddle they wouldn't mind sharing, please bring it! Otherwise we'll be using the George Foreman grill (fits two at a time) and our cast iron skillets (probably two at a time total).

Thanks all!


  1. Kelsey and I will bring bread and garlic butter

  2. I'm bringing cranberry oatmeal cookies.

  3. Heather and I will be there with Hailey and will bring some wraps and PB&J for dairy free options. Also we can bring an electric griddle that can probably handle 5-6 sandwiches at a time.

  4. Elise is bringing a couple kinds of cheese

  5. I won't know if I can make it until after I get off work, but if I can, I will bring another dessert option as well!

  6. Looks like the Pyfroms can't make it tonight

  7. Jake and I are bringing gluten free bread and vegan cheese (probably just enough cheese for the two of us) and some vegan tomato soup.

  8. I won't be able to make it tonight after all :( I hope to see you all next week!
